<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Fran,

> I try to keep a good attitude about juggling these 2 conflicting
> diseases-- but at times I get *sick of it all*. Tired of trying to eat
> gf & keep the carbs down.

You obviously need some cheering up today.

> I'm a type 2 doing diet & exercise---- so there's no humalog in the
> picture to cover the carb highs. Let's face it if you are limited to
> GF grains, you will have carb highs!

My husband is also controlling with diet and exercise (although we are
not very good on the exercise). What do you do for exercise? We are
trying to make ourselves go for a walk in the evening. We like walking,
but the difficult part seems to be getting out of the house.

> Why go through all the trouble of home making bread/baked goods when
> you can have so little of it?

I have been baking my husband's bread ever since he was diagnosed.
Through experimentation during the past 2 years I have come up with a
recipe that is not as rich as the stuff that you buy, that tastes pretty
good and that works most of the time. I cut it fairly thin and use it as
one slice per carb. His blood readings are somewhat higher than they
used to be before celiac diagnosis, but are still within the limits (if
he stays on his diet).

It seems that it was easier for him to stick to the diet when he was
first diagnosed. Why is that?

Joan Tuckey, Edmonton, AB