<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone,

I recently had a six month checkup with my GI doctor and we discussed the
results of my children's blood tests for Celiac.  I asked him about the false
positives on the antigliadin IgG blood tests (all my children were negative on
everything else).  He reassured me that these tests are indicative of them
coming into contact with something in the past and are not predictive of them
necessarily being more susceptible to developing Celiac in the future.  He
also cautioned me about being too overzealous in testing children as you don't
want to make them feel as though they are sick.  I brought up one of the
reasons why I had the tests done and this was because my middle child was
somewhat irritable and I had heard this can be a sign of Celiac in children.
He said this is only if the children have symptoms ( I am assuming he means
digestive symptoms).  So this is one of my questions, for the parents who have
biopsy diagnosed Celiac children, were these children's main complaints
digestive in nature and the irritability was a side effect or is it possible
for a child with Celiac to have as a major complaint, irritability and bad

My second question is about the small intestinal lymphoma.  Can a biopsy
proven Celiac who does not have the typical digestive symptoms still be in
danger of contracting lymphoma or is it only a danger in those with the
typical digestive symptoms?  My GI doctor felt it was only those Celiacs who
had symptoms who were vulnerable to this kind of cancer.  I am again assuming
he means digestive symptoms.  If anyone has any documentation or studies done
on this, let me know and I can show him the next time I see him.

My last question is regarding intestinal gas.  My doctor recommended taking
activated charcoal to prevent gas and I was wondering if anyone knew anything
about this.  I guess I was wondering if it might be a carcinogen?

Thanks for any input you might have,

Barb from NE Ohio