
The jury is out on that one.  There are some really interesting web pages
about the possible effects of the microwave oven.  The way I look at it is
this:  food cooked in the microwave tastes like hell.  It tastes "wrong",
especially meat (which is 90% of what I eat these days).  So as far as I'm
concerned, the only thing to use the microwave for is to thaw things
(carefully so they don't start to cook!).

Take care,
John Pavao
I have read the post regarding toaster ovens, juicers, smokers et al, but
one has mentioned microwave ovens.  I have not read Neanderthin yet, that
my next purchase, but is it a forbidden tool?  The reasons why I ask is
I have not used a microwave in over 2 years.  I noticed that if I eat
something that is microwaved I am extremely hungry afterwards.  I feel
microwaving does something to the food, I can't explain it but it does.