On Thu, 19 Mar 1998 09:12:27 -0700 Laurie Carson <[log in to unmask]>
>so the exposures were uncomfortable, distressing and a bit scary, but OK
>the big picture.  If your daughter's reaction is anaphylactic, I'd
>to a smaller playgroup where food can be controlled better!

That's about the same boat we are in.  Her reaction is not life
threatening, just uncomfortable.  I've been doing a little bit of work to
see if other foods are causing problems as well as re-challenging with
dairy since it's been quite a while.  She definitely reacts yet and we
suspect other things.  She gets very contrary and fussy, but doesn't seem
to have the "visceral" reactions like she used to.

I was encouraged yesterday when 1 mom was feeding her baby some  corn
puffs and immediately put them away as Alyssa walked over and just gave
him Cheerios.  It's more the cups of milk than the snacks that I worry
about.  Usually the string cheese and PB&J come out only when we go out
to eat, then they are usually in high chairs and confined more.

We'll just have to muddle through and learn to live this way.

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