This comment caught my attention. There is an option. A chem panel can be
done to see absorption of nutrients (or lack of). It is a standard blood
test. In addition, there is a company that has nutritional specialists on
board that will do a detailed analysis with dietary and supplement
recommendations developed specifically for the individual. There may even
be more than one company. Either way, there is the potential to know what
is being absorbed. Hope this is helpful.

On Mon, 9 Mar 1998 14:04:03 -0800 Susan Martin
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
On the one hand,>nutritionists seem to make things easy because they let
us count
>numbers>and vitamins and this comforts us to see the intake but since we
>know how the body is utilizing the nutrients once they get in... we
>can>get a false sense of security.

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