<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello fellow list members.  I have a few questions I am hoping some of you
will have answers to.  First, just a note of thanks, in general, to all of you
out there who are sharing information.  I read so many helpful things through
this service, and also feel less isolated because of it.  Anyway, my questions
are as follows:

1.  Recently, I drank "Sleepytime" tea by Celestial Teas, and had a reaction
soon afterwards.  Have others had this experience?  Does anyone know of a list
of gf teas?
2.  I have heard that some coffees can have gluten in them, again, does anyone
know about this?  Is ther a list of gf coffees?
3.  Recently, I called a company (can't remember which one right now) to ask
about one of their products which listed maltodextrin as an ingredient.  The
company claimed that this particular form of maltodextrin was derived from
corn, and therefore, gf.  I am wondering if this can be true?
4.  I am going to Paris, France in 2 weeks and am very nervous about eating
because of my CD and Diabetes, does anyone have ny tips or suggestuions about
bringing food over or finding gf food there?

Thanks, again, for being there and for taking time to read and, possibly,
respond to these questions.

Pat Misisco
Northampton, MA USA