<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In regards to celiac disease and depression, it is my experience that
the lifelong depression and anxiety that I experienced between the ages
of 2 (yes, I remember the fears) and 45 years old appeared to be
caused, not by CD, but from the malnutrition that it caused.  I wonder
if this is true for others.

I had pellgra and beriberi and scurvy type symptoms.  After many
years of seeing doctor after doctor, I was referred to
a nutritionist.  This happened after being diagnosed as a neurotic and
it was believed that my emotional state was caused by two extremely traumatic
childhood experiences.

One of my fears was that I had to have full control of my every move.  I
needed to have my car and be able to travel as I felt I needed.  I was
always afraid one of my children would need me and I would not be able
to get to them.  I realized at the time these fears were unfounded, but
my intellect would not let me rule over my emotional state.  I woke
every morning with the feelings of impending doom.  I had nightmare
after nightmare all night long.   I worried about everything.

I went to a nutritionist who used a blood test to determine my
vitamin needs.  He knew nothing about CD and I remained undiagnosed.  He
put me on natural vitamins and herbs.  They were low dose, not mega
vitamins, but I took vitamins and minerals 8 times a day.  Within 3 to 4 weeks
all my fears disappeared.  It was fabulous.  I was so free from the anxiety
and depression that I took a job as a teacher in a high security prison.
I was double locked in, not being able to even open a door without an
officer in a control room allowing it.  Now that was a big step for me.
I still had deep bone and muscle pain and the nutritionist could not figure out
what was causing it.  Of course it was the CD.

Since I wasn't on a GF diet at the time, my only conclusion was that the
depression was caused from the vitamin deficiencies and not the CD directly.
Apparently the amount of vitamins I was taking, (which made me sick at
first) were enough to get some absorption.

When I research the symptoms of vitamin deficiency, mental conditions and
neurological problems are some of the first to show when there is a problem
with nutrition.

I feel that I will always need additional vitamin supplements since my
CD was discovered so late in life and perhaps my intestines will never
be as they should.  As we grow older there are many who feel it is a good idea
for everyone, CD or not.

Have any others had an experience such as this?  Carol in NJ