<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am an undiagnosed celiac.  I was very ill last October, and after
having several tests for kidneys, etc., my doctor suggested I stop
eating Gluten.

Within a week I felt alot better.  So I stopped eating Gluten.  I went
to see a Gastroenterolist at the end of January, and found out the blood
tests I had done 2 weeks before came back negative.  He says that is
probably because I had stopped ingesting Gluten.  He wants to do a
biopsy in April, and wants me to eat Gluten again until then to get
accurate results.

I tried for a week, and have had to stop as I feel horrible - abdominal
pain, and an uncontrollable urge to sleep - at my desk, on the couch, in
the car, etc.  I can not live like this.  My G.P. and I decided that we
do not need a biopsy diagnoses to tell me that Gluten makes me sick.  I
will not eat it and that's it.

One thing that has happened recently is that my glands on my neck have
become very very sensitive (to the touch and feel like they are
throbbing).  I get horrible ear aches also.

Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Thanks in advance for your answers.  I will sum them up for you.

Judy Woelfle in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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