<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am reporting back on asking the list about their experientces with St.
John's Wort and acid reflux.  I am sorry for any confusion that led people
to believe that the two are connected.

Acid reflux- some tips were suggested by more than one person:
1.  Caused by a vitamin high in potassium. Went off it and was okay.
2.  Used Prilosec and it helped.
3.  Don't eat before bed.  Use Maalox.  Had surgery for reflux- the valve
    between esophagus and stomach causing it.
4.  Don't eat tomato sauce or anything acidic.  Eat slowly.  No fried or
    fatty foods.
5.  Consider fructose intolerance.  Use no sugar, inc. sugar in fruits
    and vegetables.
6.  Zantac "helped somewhat".
7.  Had reflux before GF diet cleared it up.
8.  Symptom of accidental gluten ingestion for this person, suggested deep
9.  Sleeps sitting up when has reflux.  Don't eat after 7 P.M. Drink only
    water or weak tea in evening.
10. Suggests digestive enzymes.  Use pancreatic enzymes.  Country Life
    brand.  Try increasing B vitamins and try sublingual B vitamins for poor
    intestinal absorption.
11. May be tin in can linings.  Try food elimination diet.
12. GF diet helped.  Carafate helped before that.
13. Eat small meals.  No milk, fruit, citrus, don't eat 3-4 hours
    before bed, don't lay down after eating, elevate bed head, no alcohol
    or peppermint.
16. Takes Losec-available inCanada, not sure anywhere else .
17. Uses Pepcid. Prilosec when really bad.
18. Reflux due to hernia, suggest reducing stress.
19. Uses Zantac.  Coffee and cottonseed oil bothersome.

St. John's Wort:
1.  Keeps anxiety to minimum.  Uses for stess.
2.  Zoloft works better for this person.
3.  Became overanxious and"probably had a hypertensive crisis."  States,
    "for some people it becomes and MAO Inhibitor" Recommends diet-no
    caffeine, tyramine, yeast, yogurt, bananas and 'a couple of other
    foods'".  NOTE:  I would like to hear from this person again, to trade
    experiences, if possible.
4.  Worked for awhile, then went back to major antidepressant.
5.  Tried for month and didn't help.  Elavil helped.
6.  Has been on for 6 months.  "Helps immensely."
7.  Has been on for two months.  Has helped.  Still has early morning
    wakefulness.  Helped friend greatly with anxiety and depression.  Her
    neurosurgeon said it can help migraines.
8.  Been on for several months.  Felt better in a few weeks. Tried other
    meds. and had side effects.  Sense of well being.
9.  Worked in less than one week.  Not "hyper" any more.

I would like to  share my own thoughts.  Please check with your doctor
before taking this.  I have read that there are side effects and some
people should be careful or not take it at all.  As always, make sure
all meds. are GF.  Best Wishes , Karen from Central New York, USA