They will work, but will extract a penalty in your system's
performance. Windows 95 works best when all the apps you use under
it are 32-bit apps. Windows 3.1 apps are only 16-bit. However,
upgrading everything to 32-bit may not be worth it if you have a lot
of programs to upgrade and the performance hit isn't big enough.

On 10 Feb 98 about Win3.1 to Win95, Howard Papke had this to say:

> I am finally going to be forced to go to win95. Presently have 3.1 with a
> 5x86-133.
> I look at the win95 box and do not see any side programs (ie:works, etc.).
> Will my present old 3.1 programs still work with 95, or do I have to buy
> all new?

Kris Shapar

          To doubt everything or to believe everything
          are two equally convenient solutions; both
          dispense with the necessity of reflection.

                              - Jules Henri Poincaré

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