This advise is fine as long as the resulting swap file ends up

I do not myself fixt the size of th swap file.  I've never seen the
need.  I have no drive thrashing.

And it is good for the swap file to be zeroed out now and then.
There have been times I have not been able to reboot until I have
done so, plus the temp directory.   If it is not zeroed using normal
setting, the fact that it isn't zero indicates problems.

If your drive is not thrashing, and the IconCache isn't involved,
there is no advantage that I see to fixing the swap file size.

> should set both the minimum and maximum at the same
> value...the idea is that  Win95 doesn't have to make constant
> adjustments to a permanent swap file size  and it will not become
> easily fragmented nor will Win95 have to spend CPU time with it.
> Win95 will create the swap file  when it boots and then leave it
> alone.

Larry Koester     [log in to unmask]
Bloomer, WI