Hello Roxanne - and the rest,

In <[log in to unmask]>, on 02/24/98 at 11:19 PM,
   Roxanne Pierce <[log in to unmask]> said:

>I completely reloaded Windows 95 on it three weeks ago, eliminating the
>IBM specific software. About one week ago, the computer started turning
>itself back on again in the middle of the night. I know the power supply
>is still "live" because of the soft power down feature, but I cannot
>understand what would make the computer power up again.

I have installed a number of these systems and have never had any problems
(well, besides the normal 95 ones).

There are a number of questions that need to be answered before we can
figure out what is causing the computer to turn on. Is a fax-modem
attached? The machine will turn on if the phone rings (assuming you have
not changed the defaults in the BIOS, etc.). Second, do you have automatic
backup or archive selected in Win95? It will also turn the machine on if
the defaults (I think it is set to backup at 2:30 a.m. or something like
that) were not changed. Thirdly, are any programs installed that have a
"cron-like" function, i.e. that perform some task automatically?

Hope this at least provides some food for thought...



    Bruce Boschek, PhD. - Institute of Medical Virology
        Justus-Liebig-University - Giessen, Germany
            Brought to you through IBM OS/2 Warp 4
                       and MR/2 ICE (Reg. #19501)