>At 07:15 PM 2/21/1998 Joe Searfoss Jr.  wrote:
>>I am looking for a modem switch that will allow my modem to be shared
>>with my telephone. I need one that is automatic. If a call comes in the
>>switch would answer the line and if a modem is detected it will send the
>>call to the modem otherwise it would send the call to the phone. I have
>>found a few but they all required someone to answer the phone before any
>>detection takes place. Does anyone have any suggestions?
>I use a ringmaster telephone switch box. It listens for distinctive
>ringing patterns and diverts the call where you want it. It will also
>disables any extension telephone downline so it will not disturb
>your call.
>Get a NON-powered model. You can put it anywhere -- say by your
>telephone interface box outside the house, upline from all telephones --
>and you do not get any hum/noise added by A/C power.
>Downside is that you are paying your telco $3-6 per month for the
>distinctive ringing service.
>I've tried all sorts of other boxes for fax, modem, telephone and
>this is the best solution (apart from having a dedicated telephone
>John Chin


I use a "Comshare 450 Telephone Line Sharing Device" by  "Command
Communications". I installed it several years ago and can't locate the
documentation. I did find a site at http://www.netway.net/telecomm/.  The
device has a line in/phone/modem&fax/tad(tel.answer dev.). If you don't
answer your phone it will route the call to your answering machine or to the
modem depending on the ring. I use it primarily to receive fax at home with
my desktop computer which must be on when the call comes in. I have not
tried it with my laptop which has a suspend/sleep mode but assume most fax
calls would time out before the laptop could respond.

Joe Trimarchi