Mary wrote:
>I had my son tested over a year ago for allergies
>He tested highly allergic to wheat and dairy, as well as beef.
>My question is, I have had him completely off all gluten products and
>products. Do I need to keep him off beef products such as pemmican?
>He has had continuous problems with digestion including constipation
>diarrhea. The beef  pemmican is one of the most digestible foods as it
I wanted to comment that when I was on the standard American diet, I
could not tolerate beef at all.  It just wouldn't digest.  It would sit
in my stomach and  cause much gastric upset.  Consequently, I hardly
ever ate beef.  Since I've given up all grains, I find that I digest
beef probably better than any other meat!  I can eat big steaks now
without any problems.  I love beef now, I crave it.  I am mentioning
this becuase I believe myself to be gluten intolerant, and I think that
was the real cause of the problem for me.  Does your son have any
digestive problems when he eats beef?  I would think that if he still
had antibodies, they would  first attack the beef as it's being digested
in the intestinal track, before getting into the blood stream and to the
brain.  So digestive problems could be a clue.   Just my 2 cents.
