On Sun, 15 Feb 1998 14:46:07 -0800 Susan Martin
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I just wanted to comment that rice milk doesnot have the protein you
>in soy or cow's.  And perhaps different fat levels, both very important.
>We don't drink soy due to allergy but the side panel gives detailed

That's the reason we started with soy and not rice milks.  I've tried the
rice milks and I don't think they have nearly the nutritional punch that
some (not all) of the soy milks do.

So far I've bought about 6 different brands and flavors mostly to see
which ones she likes best.  She tends to go for the vanilla ones over the
plain - no big surprise there :-)  I plan on doing a spreadsheet
comparison of the labels to take with to her 1 yr check up next month.


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