On Tue, 17 Feb 1998 01:08:51 -0500 "Donald J.Marcotte"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Rice milk may not have the same protein but it is far better tasting

I haven't tried her with the Rice Dream yet.  Personally, I think they
are all pretty nasty, but then again, I don't like plain cow's milk
either.  I have found that Original flavor Soy-Um on cereal isn't too
bad.  I hated rice milk on cereal and don't cook with either.  I have
used powdered Better Than Milk in a baking mix that I sometimes use, but
it does have a noticeable "funky" taste in things that don't contain a
lot of spices to mask it.

The kid likes the soy milks, so we'll just stick with those for now.  I
just need to find the best nutitionally.


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