It's a 1993 copyright, but the Library Video Network collaborated with
librarians, library customers and advocates for people with disabilities to
produce a videotape and resource guide called _...And Access Foe All:
ADA and Your Library_  It has the kind of checklists you're looking for
and specifically addresses ADA compliance.  There are even resource
lists that include contacts on technology.  Even if some of the stuff is a
bit outdated, it would provide a good starting point.  On the video, ISBN
1-56641-009-6.  Phone: 1-800-441-8273.

On the downside, as John and others will concur, 1993 is 'way too long
ago when it comes to assistive  technology.  There's lots of good stuff
available, including the _Universal Access_ kit from DO-IT that we just
posted about.  It's a training kit and doesn't have checklists, though.

I think it's incumbent on all of us to push for having at least one
accessible workstation in every library and having all public access
catalogs accessible.  My new slogan is now "An accessible
workstation in every library!"  And the rationale I use with administrators
and other people not in the "choir"  is that all of us are only "temporarily
abled"  and that such attention to access makes information more
available to all people, whether disabled or not.

All the best!