<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

re:  D-Lynne and Carol's postings

Your boys' symptoms sound very much like my 9 year old son.  Kyle is a
great kid, if he eats the right foods.

I have thought for some time now that he has a gluten intolerance.  He
has been allergy tested (by a normal allergist) and has never shown an
allergy, even though he has constant post-nasal drip, a cough that
sounds like a seal barking, black puffy circles under his eyes, red
cheeks and red ears, etc. etc. etc.

He has been to a gastroenterolist, as after he eats gluten (among other
things), his stomach grows 4 inches.  The doctor did a small bowel
biopsy, but found no celiac.  He had been on a celiac diet for some time
prior to this, and therefore I feel the test did not reveal celiac, even
though he is.  He also has not had chronic diarrhea, nor is he skinny.
On the other hand, he has been on the heavy side.

When Kyle ingests certain foods, he literally 'forgets' things, i.e. he
forgets how to spell, how to add, etc.  His school marks could range, on
the same test, from a failing grade to an A.  His writing goes from
legible to 2 year old handwriting.

He cries at everything and feels the world is out to get him.  It is
very sad, but is also very frustrating.  Doctors don't listen.  I
finally decided to do the 'diet thing' on my own.  I very highly suspect
that he is also allergic (or shall we say intolerant) to dairy products,
potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, oranges and apples, eggs, just to name a
few.  I'm sure there are more.

He is going to a special kind of allergist in February.  He is a General
Practitioner, but also does some kind of allergy testing where they put
an allergen under the skin that can actually bring on the reaction
instantly. It will be interesting.

Please, tell me more about your cases.  I live in Ottawa, Ontario,

It's always good to hear from others fighting the same battle.
