<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all - Thanks to the many quick responses I received! I should have been
a bit clearer in my original post - I have a cold, which is causing the
need for a decongestant. I do have seasonal allergies, and have found that
Allegra works great to take care of them.

Please confirm this information for yourself, as some of it is conflicting.
I settled on Comtrex, which seems to be doing the trick for me. And yes,
Bristol Myers Squibb was helpful and are sending me some coupons.

Thanks again!

Chris Silker
Minneapolis, MN


Had this same problem just last week!!  I realized we shouldn't wait till
we are sick to check with the pharmaceutical companies.  I found that
Bristol Myers Squibb was the most helpful and actually have a list of GF
products 1-800-468-7746.  They also send out coupons which is a nice touch.
 COMTREX is GF!!!   They have other items but this is the one I used and it
helps.  I also use Tylenol Sinus and have never had a problem (I tend to be
sensitive).  It doesn't make me sleepy.


I posted a question about CVS night time caplets. I take them and have no
reaction. I only got one response from someone who also says that is what
she takes. The only possible problem would be gelatin, however, I am very
sensitive and havn't had a problem. May you breath freely. :) Lesley
If you have any questions as to specifically what this is write back and i
will look up the exact name.


Try pseuphedrine hydrochloride--the generic of Sudafed--from a store
such as Osco drug.  It works for me, and I've never had a problem.  It is also
just a decongestant (not anti-histamine), so it shouldn't cause drowsiness.
Also, if you think you may be "clogged" due to allergies, Claritin
(prescription) is another option.  Just as an FYI, I'm a pharmacy student ;)


I use CVS brand (it is the company that took over Revco Drugstores) nasal
decongestant plus antihistamine tablets and they contain pseudoephedrine
hydrochloride plus chlorpheniramine maleate.  I called about 2 weeks ago and
they said it is gluten free.


I don't know if you've tried this but Claritin is GF and
I THINK Claritin D is also GF. When I was very congested I took this and it
helped alot; however, I think for certain conditions you also need to take a
moisturizer with it; this is called Guaifed. Claritin is a prescription and
you really need to consult with a doctor before taking any of those kinds of
decongestants, because you can end up drying out the bacteria that need to be
leaving your body. Good luck and hope you feel better...Leslie


Entex LA made by Procter and Gamble is reported to be gluten-free.  It is
both a decongestant and expectorant.  I have used it for sinus headaches
and have not had a gluten reaction to it.

I live in Canada so am not sure if this product is available in the US or
if it is marketed under another name in the US.  Each tablet contains 75
mg. phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and 600 mg. guaifenesin.


Have you thought about Afrin nose spray? I use a generic made by
CVS (a klarge pharmacy chain here in the NE) and it works for me, no
reactions. Good luck!Marne in NJ


I received the information that Neosynephrine is GF and
that all medications from Roche Laboratories are GF (don't know if that
includes any decongestants) and got the number for Stokes Pharmacy in
New Jersey to call for help--several people have used them:
1/800/754-5222 and a fax at 1/800/440-5899.  Hope this helps!


You can also safely use warm salt water drops to loosen any thick mucus in
your nose or sinuses.  This is very effective and very safe.  Also a cold
mist or sonic type humidifier will help put moisture in the air to make it
easier to breathe.  You can also "steam" yourself by going into the
bathroom and running the hot water in the shower while sitting in the room.
 You also might want to try cutting out dairy products until you are
better.  They tend to thicken mucus even if your are not allergic to them.
I hope this helps.  I know it's not medicine, but sometimes the old
fashioned ways are best.


Have you tried a Chiropracter?  My chiropractor has several types of
Decongestants, which I would imagine some have to be of good use to you
since Chiropracters deal with ADHD children who also follow a diet like


My doctor(s) have always recomended Sudafed when I needed a
decongestant....   I tried it twice and both times it caused too many
hours in the bathroom.
I have not been able to find a decongestant without antihistamine that I
could use.  I did find A.R.M. (Allergy Relief Medicine)
antihistamine/nasal decongestant did not bother me.  I did not contact
the company, but I did have the pharmacist explain some of the
ingrediants I did not understand.  My 15 yr old was able to take it also.

I usually try:  using a steam tent and Vicks Vapor Rub, saline nasal
spray, and not eating milk(dairy) or eggs.......    for 2 to 3 days, and
then if no improvement I resort to a A.R.M.


        I always take liquid (children's) medicines.  Mainly because I need
smaller doses that regular adults, but I haven't had problems with them.
They don't have fillers or any "suspicious" ingredients that I know of.  I
have taken Children's Sudafed.  Please note that I have not checked this
with the manufacturer!!!!  Just my personal experience.


Have you ever tried using a nasal spray instead of a pill?
Several years ago I used over-the-counter antihistamines, but a mild heart
condition put an end to that and decongestants just didn't offer the relief
I was looking for.  The nurse at the doctor's office suggested trying a nasal
spray and that has been very satisfactory. I use the brand "Duration" and it
works very well, although I cannot attest to its GF status.


I use Claritin syrup, and, when that's not enough, my doctor said I could use
Sudafed syrup at the same time. I was told both are gf, and they don't bother
me. Sudafed tablets do contain gluten.

Syrups are more apt to be gf.


Have you considered herbs and spices to relieve your congestion?  I had sinus
problems for years (they practically went away after I went gluten free) but I
always had a great response from Cayenne, garlic, etc.  I suggest you look in
an herb book and try some of those remedies. They are healthier than taking an
over the counter drug anyway.  Of course, it is more important to find out the


Have you tried removing milk products from your diet?  I get
terrible congestion, nasel and chest congestion, from milk products.  It
is considered a common symptom for milk protein intolerance.  I am now
gluten free, milk free, corn free, soy free and feeling much better