<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

As expected, I've gotten more replies.
1.  Some encouragement from Leslie and Wendy
"Hello! I too have a 20 year old son--he had serious health problems for
several years, but has done pretty well for about 5 years on a gluten-free
diet (he does "cheat"sometimes)... After he had been gf several months, he
became tolerant of many foods that had bothered him in the past, such as dairy
and corn. He drinks TONS of milk now, tho it used to cause him instant
problems. I know this doesn't work for everyone! But it has been like a
miracle for us."  from Leslie

"...once his intestines heal & regenerate the villi, then he may begin to
again tolerate milk.  The villi produce lactase which is the enzyme that
breaks down lactose (milk sugar).
Also, a person can be quite hypersensitive (allergic) to many foods during
recovery.  Sometimes these foods can be tolerated down the road after healing.
Something to keep in mind."  from Wendy

2. Conflicting reports on EPD:
"I would stay away from EPD if I were you; it is a vaccination and, as such,
can be contaminated. I've known several people who have become violently ill
after submitting to that procedure. I know lots of people who have let their
doctors talk them into this thing and no one who has gotten help from it. Just
a warning. Good luck....Leslie"

Then an endorsement
"Check out the following web site:
Marge Jones has many years of experience with food allergies.  I'd
read and enjoyed her cookbooks and newsletter, but I had no idea that
she'd tried EPD -- successfully -- until I found her site.
And in the for-what-it's-worth dept., we also did the ELISA, which we
found to be accurate and helpful."   from Dana

3.Helpful links: (I tried them - Thanks!)
"...things for you to read from our Archives.
<A HREF="http://rdz.stjohns.edu/library/medic/celiac/basic.html#summary">
CELIAC (Basic Information on Celiac/Coeliac)</A>
 <A HREF="http://rdz.stjohns.edu/library/medic/celiac/exp/expindx.html">Expert
Postings Index</A>
 If you truly think that CD is what your son has, then perhaps he needs to go
truly gluten free in order to heal completely. There is hidden gluten in so
many things.  There are wonderful shopping guides available, which really help
at the grocery store. When that is accomplished, he may not have the other
problems that you describe. (like allegies to other things)
<A HREF="http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?S1=celiac">Search the CELIAC
archives</A> .  It is easy to do searches from this site if you have specific
questions.  In case you are new to this, just click on that blue sentence.Hope
this helps."  Diane in Texas

4. Suggested supplements:
A pro-biotic called Vital-Plex  "...(found) in the refrigerated
supplements section of my health food store.  The ingredients include:
Lactobacillus (acidophilus DDS-1) .825 Billion PLUS; Bifido Bacterium
(bifidum) .825 Billion PLUS; Streptococcus (faecium) .825 Billion PLUS
If I have a flare-up, I am able to get it under control within three
days simply by following all the "rules" and taking two capsules of the
Vital-Plex a day (one always before bedtime). " from Theresa

Other suppliments mentioned:  multivitamins, antioxidants, cats claw,
garlic,quercitin, B-complex, FOS, Vit C, L-Glutamine

5. Misc.
"I had candida long before I knew about CD.  The way I got rid of Candida
is to get a series of colonics, which cleanse out the colon.  Immediately
after that, start the nystatin/diflucan anti-yeast medications.  Also
take lactobacillus "good" bacteria and whole psyllium husks daily (forever)
as maintenance/prevention."  Ed

6.  Read The Yeast Connection by Dr. Crook (I have read three of his books.
There is also a Yeast Connection Website with a great message board.  I read
it every day.  WWW.Yeastconnection.com)

If I get more info, I'll pass it along.  Thanks again to everyone.  BTW, my
son had a pretty good day today.  I'm not sure why, but he started pancreatic
enzymes yesterday, as suggested by Sue in Maryland.  He also switched from
rice to millet.  I'm afraid he may have acquired an allergy to rice from
eating it so much.
Thanks again!