<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I would like to thank everyone for their responses to my question
regarding fainting episodes. I went to my doctor, who did a "tilt test"
and found that I have neurally mediated hypotension. This is a medical
term for low blood presure and fainting. I need to increase my salt and
fluid intake and not stand for long periods of time as standing causes
blood to pool to the legs--which causes fainting. Sitting for long
periods can also cause this.

I received about 25 responses, and I will send a summary of all the
responses to anyone who wishes to see them. I will also send the summary
to each person who responded to my post. If you would like a summary,
please e-mail me privately. The summary is very long; therefore I won't
post it to the list as I'm sure not everyone wants to read it.

Thanks again everyone. This listserv is a lifesaver!
A. Rene' Delehanty-Eichem
Manhattan, KS
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