<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

            My wife has had an expressed intestinal sensitivity to wheat
for at least six years, but her dermatologist identified her dh
condition about ten months ago.  She has been on a gluten-free diet
since and finally the dh skin condition has cleared up.
            In addition she notes that she had not had any visual
displays since going gluten-free.  She wonders what the experience of
others on our List may have been with regard to visual displays.  I will
be glad to summarize responses.
            Her visual displays are very much like those associated with
migraine headaches (which headaches however she did not have).  They
come only a few to a dozen or so times a year - going way back to
college.  They are not at all associated with stress and last only ten
minutes or more.  First there is a blurring/disappearing of parts of the
visual field.  Then come a few bright jagged regions.  When this passes,
she experienced a deep tiredness which best was handled by a nap.
            Have any celiacs originally having these symptoms noted a
reduction or absence of these eye displays since going on a gluten-free
                        Cheers,  Al on Cape Cod