JoAnn Betten wrote:

>         my next goal is to quit smoking.  i've been totally paleo, except
> for sucking in a pack of menthol cigarettes a day (most decidely UN-paleo).
> so last week, i quit.  this was remarkably easier than i had expected, i'm
> sure being off carbs helps cut the cravings.  so far, i am still holding my
> weight steady (after recovering from last week's Onion Soup Incident).  it's
> been 5 days without a smoke, and it's not too bad.
> JoAnn.

Congratulations.  It's been 9 years for me.  If you can accept the fact
that you cannot even have a drag off of a cigarette for the rest of your
life you have it made.  Most people blow it because they do the "oh,
I'll just have one with this drink I'm having tonight".  That doesn't