In a message dated 97-12-21 09:05:27 EST, [log in to unmask] writes:

> Would you like photos of installation of a beautiful outhouse complete with
>  bat carving above the door?
>  ANd others? Really?


Yes, I have confirmation that we can start a BP webpage.
Photos of really neat outhouses would be a good start.

I'd like photos of anything the BP preservationeers would consider appropriate
to the list. Essentially, we get to build a signboard to advertise ourselves.
I'm willing to put the website together as long as the BP preservationeers are
willing to provide feedback.

Does anyone have a favorite photo of Gabriel or Etidorpha Orgrease?

Possibly we could get some photos of gravel roads, earth mounds or caves?

One project I have in mind is to photograph an historic sacred-site --
Smithaven Park on LI, nearby our residence, where supposedly a UFO crashed.
One of our local kooks suggested that a memorial be erected to the American
pilots who sacrificed their lives in the prototype UFO developed at Brookhaven
labs. And then complained that the government should not do this kind of
testing nearby to residential areas.

The leader of LIUFON, John Ford, gave a seven-hour presentation on the crash
at the Holiday Inn, which I attended. He kept telling us that the CIA was
attending, somewhere in the group of two-dozen. Everytime I offered to help
him with technical difficulties operating the video projector he looked at me
funny. The video was very interesting, showing an ET being carried away on a
stretcher and two others leaned up against a tree. I don't know if it was a
red or a white pine, but some professor smiled a lot and with his equally
smiling girlfriend gave us a magnified computer-enhanced analysis of the ET
skin-scale pattern. I seriously suggested they try to find out where the red-
plastic flashlights were purchased. I doubted the equipment was special forces
issue. Regardless, John Ford eventually got himself involved in a plot to put
radium in a local politician's toothpaste. It looks like THEY are going to
lock him up for a while in the Fed Pen. History in the making!

One memory of relating to my stepfather is standing on a hill all night with
binoculars, freezing our touches off, while looking for UFO's. Though I cannot
say that I can feel the inside of a Black Walnut log, and sincerely envy the
talent, I do know how to watch the sky at night. I was bred early on some
heavy BS that puts Roswell to shame. Once a month we would have these people
gather in our house and talk about men in black... that was in the late 60's.
One guy told us a story about Jesus visiting him out of his Television set. I
thought it was great, and normal. The local flaps were reported in Popular
Science and Mr. Hynek came to visit, though I did not meet him. I still carry
my membership card, along with the free pass to the port-o-potty.

