> maker.  I highly recommend it if you can eat tofu.  TOFU COOKERY by Louise
> Hagler - $15.95 US.  If you want the recipe really fast, I can type one in
> and provide it to the list.  I've made several of them.  Pineapple was my
> personal fav.

How about just the basic recipie?  Once you know the basic, the
various flavors are pretty easy to figure out.  In fact, it might
be easier than milk-based ice cream, since you won't have to worry
about acidic fruits curdling the milk.

Lee M.Thompson-Herbert        KD6WUR                  [log in to unmask]
Member, Knights of Xenu (1995).  Chaos Monger and Jill of All Trades.
"There are some people who will argue whether the flames are blue
or green, when the real question is that their arse is on fire."