> Well, I quit all dairy a year ago. I quit drinking OJ about a month ago
> because I
> was suffering. Even apple juice created lactose-intolerance type symptoms. So,
> I'm a contrarian on this point.
> Don Marcotte

For me it was more than a year, probably at least two, but I wasn't counting.
I quit OJ first so it was longer than that since I had been drinking it
with any frequency. I had also long ago given up caffeinated drinks as the
caffeine upset my stomache too. I wanted to let my digestive system heal
up as much as possible with as little irritation as possible to see if I
could minimize the effect lactose intolerance has had on my quality of
life. It worked. Sure, every once in a while something slips by.

Give it some time. And gee whiz, too much apple juice has that effect on
everyone I know :)
