<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Today at 4pm is begging day at the Ped's again.  My 2 year old and 4
year old are showing the following symptoms and I am begging again to
have them tested.  The 2 year old is very very short, she has had
constipation for many months (she says it's potty owie time again),
she complains of belly aches, extremely moody, always sick with a
cold, has been to the emergency room twice with stomach ache and once
with diarrhea.  The 4 year old has intense joint pain, (puts shampoo
bottles on her toes because they hurt), she complains lately of belly
aches, she has turned from the model child who read fluently at 3
years old to one who cannot concentrate and can't even sit in her car
seat with out complaining it hurts, she always has a cold and she now
cries easily and is becoming overly emotional.  Both have the red
rings under their eyes like their baby sister does, but the baby, Kyra
14 mo, is getting better, she has been gf for about 3-4 weeks.   I
need suggestions how to keep fat in her diet, she is also lactose
intolerant at the moment and drinking soy formula) We are all on the
gluten free diet but I have to continue to sneak them gluten until
they can be tested it's horrible.  We have an appointment in Salt Lake
City at the end of May for all 3 girls with Dr. Janet Hornsberger
(can't remember the exact spelling). I found her name on a celiac web
site as a very helpful  Pediatric Gasterenterologist with CD in Utah,
but we have to wait so long to see her :(  We also signed up for a CD
study for the University of Utah, but Jeff Black has not contacted me
for the exact day he comes for testing, but says he will come right to
our house :)

I have written up much research on the symptoms for atypical CD for
our Ped., and gave it to her office Monday, I hope she did not take
offense but she only knew of classic CD symptoms, I gave reference to
many good CD web sites, I hope she is more informed when we see her
today, I gave her reference to the Pro site also, perhaps some of you
could try the same.

I have a question?  Do the symptoms I have explained in my girls seem
to be the same some of your kids have exhibited?

[log in to unmask]    Utah