<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I'm sure this has happened to others, but I've not seen it addressed
here.  You're called out of town on a day's notice, perhaps you're
completely distracted by this emergency and it's all you can do to keep
yourself together.  How I wish I had had an emergency kit list to refer
to and better prepare myself for what was to come.

I had the presence of mind to grab some tuna, crackers, rock-hard nasty
rice flour rolls and almonds.  I spent most of last week drowning in
tears,  while very cold and hungry because I was so poorly prepared.
Have you ever tried to find gf ibuprophen in another country?

Spare yourselves.  Take 5 minutes and make out a list of "travel
food/medicine necessities."  Keep it in your personal documents file so
that you won't have to go searching for it.  Don't rely on "someone
else" to feed you (unless they're gf) or think you can take care of it
on arrival.  There probably won't be time. Do you want to be making
critical decisions when your blood sugar is on the other side of the
planet?  Take care of yourself, be good to yourself, especially when
those around you NEED YOU.

Realistically yours,
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