<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 > I see a lot of recommendations to Freeda's gluten free vitamins. I
 > have their catalog.
 > However, I don't recall seeing any recomendations for Nature Made
 > Vitamins. Nature Made states on their labels to be gluten free. Does
 > anyone know otherwise?
 > Greg Funaro(GF)

Well, I didn't get any responses .. so I assumed no one knew.

I took the initiative to call Nature Made (1-800-276-2878). The
young lady I talked to was familiar with the term celiac disease, knew
that it was the gliadin, et all proteins, and assured me that if it
says gluten free on the label it is indeed safe for someone with
CD. She reminded me that they also sell products that are not GF and
to check their labels.

I find it convenient to buy Nature Made at the super market, so I
thought I would pass this on.

Best health

Greg Funaro (is GF)