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Hi All,
I recieved many requests for the polenta lasagna recipe, which by the way,
was greatly enjoyed by all us vegetarians, and even a couple of others who
skipped the prime rib to try it. Also, the "surf-n-turf chef" i felt stupid
about approaching turned out to be a five-star-restaurant-trained food
enthusiast who recieved my pan of lasagna graciously, but assured me that he
would have enjoyed working out something I could eat. Indeed most of the
food he made -was- gf, and we all had a wonderful time.

My basic polenta recipe is:

2 tbsp olive oil
6 fat cloves garlic, chopped
a  few sprigs fresh rosemary, leaves picked off and minced
1 1/2 cups organic corn grits
6 cups water
1-2 tsp sea salt
First saute the garlic in the olive oil until it begins to brown. Toss in
the rosemary, and add the water and salt. Turn up the heat, and pour the
grits in, in a slow stream, stirring as you pour to prevent lumping. Bring
to a slow boil and cook, stirring, until the polenta is very thick.

For lasagna, oil a cookie sheet with sides, and pour the hot polenta into
the cookie sheet, spreading it evenly over the whole sheet and into the
corners. Set this aside in a cool place to set up.

While it sets, you can prepare your filling ingredients. For the dinner I
used some fabulous local eggplants, portabello mushrooms, and crimini
mushrooms, and some roasted green chilis (the last of ours from the garden).
I sauteed the mushrooms, and grilled the eggplants (brushed with just a
little oil), and mixed some fresh basil into some ricotta cheese. You can
use your own sauce, or a favorite bottled marinara sauce, as long as it's rich
flavored and you have plenty of it. (at least 32 oz, preferably more). As
each thing cooked i set it aside in a bowl, assembly line style.

When the Polenta has formed firm sheets and is completely cooled,
carefully cut it into three equal parts: |_|_|_|. Lay the first sheet in an
oiled baking pan, cover with eggplant, then mushrooms, then chilis, cheese,
sauce. Repeat with the next layer, and end with the last sheet of polenta
topped with sauce, and cheese or cheese substitute. Bake in a moderate oven
until the cheese is browned and bubbly, about 30 minutes.

Of course you could use any fillings you like, such as sausage, tofu,
zucchini, spinach, you name it. Basically you are just replacing the noodles
with sheets of polenta.
