<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The University Of Maryland's Center For Celiac Research (CFCR) has been
notified by the National Institute Of Health (NIH) that on

                      ***  March 10, 1998  ***

the National Institute Of Digestive Disease and Kidney (NIDDK) will hold
an Open Forum to discuss the feasibility of their providing funding for
Celiac Disease research.

They will invite a panel of prominent experts on Celiac Disease to
address the need for funding research.  The members of the panel will be
announced at a later date.

Following the panel of speakers there will be an Open Forum for comments
from those attending as interested parties.

The last part of the Forum will be Closed to the public - to allow the
NIDDK committee members to discuss the information presented to them in
the Open Forums.

***  As of this time - this is ALL the information we have available. As
soon as we have more specifics - as to time, place, etc. we will post
them.  Please DO NOT call regarding this meeting  ***

Our purpose for posting this information now - is to give you as much
notice as possible to make travel arrangements.  We urge you to attend
this Forum ! There is power in numbers !  Please let those who are not
on the internet know of this meeting.  A large showing of interested
people (taxpayers) from all over the country can't help but impress the
NIDDK with the need for their funding of Celiac Disease research.

We believe your support of our fundraising efforts to date, which have
allowed us to implement the Prevalence Blood Study, has been a major
contributing factor in our finally getting the attention of the NIH.

Thank you for your continued support and interest.  We will inform you
of any updates as soon as we know.