<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

To Anita Diaz and others wanting to still eat poison....
Yes, poison. Whether you have a response to non GF eating is not the
point. The real point is that when you cheat you are doing damage to
your intestine. This damage is accumulative and if you live long enough,
you will have to pay the piper. As a 65 year old who has had a poor GF
record for 35 years, I can assure you that I am now paying the piper. I
am in and out of hospitals like a yo-yo. I am on a life long use of
Prednisone and have many debilatating problems due to cheating. In spite
of all my problems, my GI doctor recently told me now that I was gaining
weight again that it would be okay if I cheated a little. I think all
doctors that give that advice are all wrong and I couldn't make that
statement any stronger. Anyway, no matter how hard you try, there is so
much hidden gluten out there that you can't avoid it completely. Believe
me, that small amount of gluten is more than you want. Be happy, if you
can, with that amount. Don't poison your body more with the intentional
eating of gluten products.
Stay GF.......