Ilya wrote:

> The amount of protein in butter IS trace. If you honestly believe that
> this isn't so, then you definitely have a court case on your hands as
> butter is labeled 0 protein (which basically means <1g).
> If you are going to insist that I am still wrong please back it up
> with facts.

Dear Ilya,

You seem to enjoy analogies.  The average female (human) produces
500,000 nanograms of ESTROGEN per day.  That is approximately 1/2000th
of a gram.
Can I then conclude that women have no estrogen?

Protein hormones work on a nano-molecular basis...just like the
hallucinogenic substance, LSD, it does not take much to produce an
enormous effect.

One 12 ounce glass of milk contains 3000 nanograms of IGF-I, our most
powerful growth hormone.  Drink that glass of milk and you double the
existing levels of IGF-I naturally present (and unbound) in the average
adult body.

IGF-I is identical (70 amino acids/same gene sequence) in humans and
cows.  It is the only hormone among 4000 mammals (hundreds of thousands
of hormones) that I am aware of as being identical.

Butter is concentrated milk.  More than 80 compounds have been
identified in butter.  Thes include protein hormones, alcohol,
aldehydes, esters of various acids, lactones and sulpher compounds.

For more information please refer to MODERN DAIRY PRODUCTS - Composition
and Food Value by Lincoln M. Lampert, Third Edition, Chemical Publishing
Company, 1996, New York, ISBN# 0-8206-0230-2, cHAPTER 18, Pages 292-314.

Robert "NOTMILKMAN" Cohen