Everybody's a comedian.  Sheesh.  What I meant was that being uncured has
nothing to do with whether or not sugar has been added to the bacon.  I
found this out the hard way when I bought some at the Whole Foods Market in
Plano, TX when I was there on a business trip.  I was less diligent about
reading the label than I should have been and I cooked and had started
eating it before I figured it out.

The funny thing was, it tasted awful.  I've had uncured bacon without sugar
and liked it just fine.  This stuff listed maple syrup as an ingredient, so
you'd think it would have tasted good, but meat and sweet just don't go
together anymore...

John Pavao

>Be careful though, uncured bacon
>doesn't necessarily NOT have added sugar in it.  Apparently, the label
>"organic" only means certain unnecessary additives are restricted.

So, it's not untrue that bacon which fails to be not uncured isn't not
with no sugar un-added?