That's an interesting, and depressing, thought.  My family has eaten
margarine as far back as I can remember, and anything out of a box.  I'm
sure that I'm partially hydrogenated too!  Does anybody know if it works
that way?  Does the body store consumed trans-fats?

I've read some alarming stuff about trans-fats.  They're almost inescapable
these days, too.  You literally have to buy nothing packaged to avoid them.
 Between trans-fats, "modified food starch", and the MSG in "natural
spices", it's a tough walk through the supermarket...

John Pavao

One of my doctors who is into orthomolecular medicine told me once that
trans-fats can't be metabolized by the body because the enzymes which
process fats do not fit the shape of the  trans-fats. If true, I  wonder
if my weight loss stalled because all I have left is non-burnable