<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi this is patrick. several weeks ago i posted a question asking about anyone
who may have been helped with CFS after stopping gluten intake.

I received a tremendous response, so much so that i've yet to finish reading
all my e-mails! overwhelmingly, the feedback has been positive. there are
quite a few people out there who've had relief from cfs symtpoms when going
gluten-free. I'd inlcude some snips but to be honest, it's all pretty much
the kind of stuff you've read about before: people trying out for themselves
a gluten-free diet and attaining relief. most avoided gluten for two months
before seeing results. most were never diagnosed with celiac and don't care
to be, as a biopsy would require eating gluten and a subsequent return of

anyway, thanks for all the answers. I am going to find a gastro-doc and
discuss this with him, as I had Crohn's disease in college and am wondering
if I should be tested for that again, too.
