<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Yesterday I posted information on a book I considered useful on the issue
of adverse reactions to food and food additivies (Food and food additive
intolerance in children, by T. David). I have had a few direct enquiries
since then concerning the book, and thought I should post a brief note to
clear up any confusion, I dont wish to misrepresent the book and encourage
anyone to spend their hard-earned cash on a book which then disappoints.
The book is a detailed examination of foods and additives which are known
to produce adverse reactions. The foods are listed, some of their chemistry
and characteristics are explored, the types of adverse reaction they
provoke are outlined, and reference lists are compiled. The book is NOT
written as an examination of foods or ingredients which may contain gluten
or which may provoke a reaction specifically in coeliac patients. There is
one section on cereal intolerance, comprising a chapter on cereal types and
constituents, one on coeliac disease, and one on non-coeliac cereal
Hope this clears up any confusion

Philip Sheard
Developmental Biology Unit,
Department of Physiology,
University of Otago Medical School,
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Ph (64 3) 479-7344
Fax (64 3) 479-7323