<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear fellow listers: I have noticed something new i the past month or so,
and wonder if it could be related to my CD/DH. I was diagnosed in August
1996. I have been very good about the diet, espevially since my DH symptoms
now include the CD GI signs when I break the diet v:-)! Without the
forbidden grains, by starches are now mostly rice and potato, and GF breads
that I bake at home. Unfortunately, eating them, even in small amounts,
seems to set off binge behavior: a pound of rice pasta, all 6 fresh rolls,
or 3 baked potatoes. I eat even after I know I am full. This does not
happen with fruits, veggies non-starches. I am taking vitamins, albeit
somewhat sporadically, and generally feel healthier than I have in a long
        My question is, has anyone else experienced this? Could it mean I
have or will develop a problem with those foods (I know about the
allergy/addiction theory, although I admit to being somewhat skeptical
about it)? I don't think it is stress-related, as I just *removed* a major
stressor by ending a dead-end relationship and the signs haven't changed.
        Thanks in advance to everyone for all the good advice-I will
summarize any replies!
        Marne in NJ

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