Paul O Bartlett scribeva:

>         Never since have the Ainur made any music like to this music,
>         though it has been said that a greater still shall be made
>         before Ilúvatar by the choirs of the Ainur and the Children of
>         Ilúvatar after the end of days.  Then the themes of Iluúvatar
>         shall be played aright, and take Being in the moment of their
>         utterance, for all shall then understand fully his intent in
>         their part, and each shall know the comprehension of each, and
>         Ilúvatar shall give to their thoughts the secret fire, being
>         well pleased.
>     Al tempore del Prime Musica, le materia del «Ainulindalë», le themas
> de Ilúvatar non habeva le Esser usque Ilúvatar commandava que illos
> haberea le Esser.  Al tempore del Secunde Musica, le themas habera le
> Esser postquam on los pronunciar.

Oh, si, ORA io comprendeva! Alora <take Being> signfica alique como "comenciar
exister de facto".

Hm... vermente difficile traducer... Nonobstante, pro me <haber> non da le idea
de "comencio".

Forsan <prender>, <caper>, <reciper>, <obtener> o mesmo <venir a Esser>?
(Ma nonobstante nulle de istos me satisface totalmente.)
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