Jean-Louis wrote:


> I don't eat bones but (raw) beef bone marrow is one of my favorite
> parts.

>> There is much conjecture now that early man was mostly a
>> scavenger.  The strong teeth were for cracking bones and eating
>> the marrow and cartilage.

> Huh? I am able to crack chicken bones with my teeth but beef bones
> is probably impossible.  early humans already used stone tools
> which could be helpful to break bones.

One of the specific artifacts used to distinguish early Hominids from
other scavengers is stone tool impact marks on long bones.  These
marks are usually interpreted as bone breakage to extract marrow.
        - K L Feder _The_Past_in_Perspective_ Mayfield 1996
        - Syracuse U archeology lectures Prof. C R deCorse 1996

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