Moira asked:

> does paleo starve out yeast and bad bacteria or do you need to take
> antifungals to get rid of the problem?

Anti Candida albicans diet closely resembles paleo / h-g / stone &
spear / lowcarb: cut out yeast and yeast feed ie: cut out grain.  Eat
meat and lowcarb veg.  Cut out sugar in all its sources.

This starves the C. a. (yeast); makes you much sicker due to the
dead/dying yeast beasts.  Until they're reduced to normal level.
Normal gut bacteria control C. a. but as antibiotics kill normal gut
bacteria C. a. gets to run away.

Everyone has Candida albicans.  Whole planet.  Most folk have a low
level controlled by gut bacteria eg: L. acidophilus etc.

Perhaps eating live culture yogurt, kefir, 'Tibetan mushroom'
processed milk aka 'tari' aka 'squogglemilk' introduces various
beneficial bacteria.  Some lowcarb / paleo eaters and C. a. experts
discourage milk & milk products.

I wonder about kombucha.  Very good for lower digestion.  But it
involves a fungus mechanism and a plentiful mix of bacteria.  Not a
problem for most folk whose C. a. levels are under control.

Some folk praise a drug called 'nystatin'.  Figgers.  nystatin
doesn't work unless you quit feeding the yeast.  If you quit feeding
the yeast the yeast dies whether you use nystatin or not.  Them that
praises nystatin are them that sells it.

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