On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 12:03:56 -0500 Jeny Walker-Hughes
<[log in to unmask]> writes:

> My
>latest quest is for protein-rich snacks and/or breakfast items.  The
>diet is
>going well yet I'm still searching for these + lunchbox ideas + kid
>ideas.  Pass them on if you can!

Breakfast ideas:
Oatmeal, dairy free/food dye free light margarine(I think gold and soft
light fits this bill), cinnamon, honey.
Fresh fruit except citrus.
Apple juice.

Lunch box ideas:
Lunch size apple sauce (no sugar added variety)
Dairy free pudding (health food store)
Miniature rice cakes (devils food, banana-also health food section of
Regular potato chips
Fresh fruit except citrus
Turkey with rye crisp cracker (my child preferred turkey alone to eating
the rye crisp!!)
Del Monte fruit naturals ( pear and peaches, open can and put in lunch
size container)

Kid drinks:
Tree top boxed juice (apple, apple-pear, apple-grape, fruit punch) Even
the fruit punch is actually 5 fruit juices combined.  All natural and no
added sugar. Don't be confused (as I use to be) when the box says "sugar
16gm" or whatever.  The natural sugar found in apples isn't seperated out
from refined sugar, so no refined sugar has been added, only "sugar" from

Hope this helps.