I am  new too.  I just join a few days ago.
We had 7 yo son tested (blood test) for allegies at age 4, showed he was
allergic to milk, apples, string beans, beef, egg, peanut, pork, shrimp and
soybean.  Basically this describes our diet at home.
 He had class 2 reactions to milk & apple, but class 1 reactions to
everything else.
I had daughter tested at age 3 (skin test) for weeds, milk, and several other
things, (can't remember) and she didn't react at all, to any of the
allergens.   I mentioned my son's results to the blood tests and was told
class 1 & 2 reactions were mild and common if the foods were eating
We attempted the elimination diet, but failed as rest of the family refused
to participate (read husband and older son following dad's example).   Marcus
tends to limit himself  regarding most of those foods, tho he loves to eat
egg white (hates the yolk).
Daughter eats all those foods as do the rest of the family.
Guess I better do the elimination diet and figure out the no-no foods.  I am
homeschooling now so it will be easier since I won't have to deal with the
cafeteria at school.
  When I first joined, I felt like I didn't belong since my kids didn't have
the severe reactions like some have described.  Now I am beginning to wonder
about the problems my kids do have & wonder if it is diet related.  Our diet
could definitely improve.  Hubby has even suggested a juice fast for detoxing
the 2 of us!!  Maybe we'll do the whole family.  Anyone ever try this?  Any
tips or suggestions?
PS  I have the allergic shiners too, guess I better cut out the dairy!