On Thu, 6 Nov 1997 09:19:58 -0800 Dan Twogood <[log in to unmask]>
>> Asthma is not a disease that creeps up on you over time.  You are
either born
>> with reactive airways or you are not.   Allergies can make it Worse
>> CANNOT CAUSE asthma.
>> stef
>I disagree. Based on what I've seen in practice, asthma IS allergy. It
>can come on in youth (most commonly), but it can also come on later
>after repeated exposure to the allergen.

I have adult onset asthma developed because my allergies were not
controlled as a child.  I did not become classified as asthmatic until I
was almost 30.  My husband had very severe allergies as a child and took
immunotherapy for many long and painful years of shots.  The doctors said
with the severity, he would probably become a severe asthmatic.  Asthma
is a degenerative disease that slowly destroys the lung tissue if it is
not controlled.

It's my understanding after doing some research and talking with several
allergists that you are born with the predisposition to develop
allergies/asthma from genetics.  There are many things that can be done
to attempt to lessen the risk of developing these, but they are not
foolproof.  With many food related allergies, it has to do with not being
exposed to the highly allergenic foods until the immune system is more
mature.  With environmental allergies, it has to do with being exposed to
the culprits (mostly dust mites, animal dander, and cockroaches) between
the ages of 1 and 3.  Of course none of this is carved in stone because
there is ALWAYS the exception.

Also, there are two types of asthma.  Intrinsic asthma is not triggered
by allergies, but by some other means such as stress.  It is an internal
stimulus.  Extrinsic asthma is triggered by allergies, usually inhaled.
It is an external trigger.  There is also a cough variant asthma (which
is what I have) in which a dry hacking cough is the main manifestation
instead of the normal wheezing.  Either way you get tight in the chest,
but I don't have much difference in my peak flow readings when I have an

Kathy P.