<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I've had an excellent response to this question.  A few people were
confused by the question in that they felt Celiac Disease, etc. was the
same as Gluten Intolerant. I did however, have responses from people
that tested negative to Celiac Disease both by biopsy and by blood tests
but when they were tested for food allergies, gluten came across as
something they were highly allergic to.  Others tested negative to
biopsies and blood tests but became violently ill when ingesting
anything with gluten.

A number of people felt that it would depend on what stage of celiac
disease you were at as to whether you would test positive or not.  What
they meant by this was that a person could be at a stage where there was
very little damage to the villi and therefore did not show up, however,
if some time were to pass to allow more damage, that you would then test

I, myself felt that I've been through so much over the years, that it
would be worth trying to go GF just in case it actually did help.  I've
only been GF for about 48 hours and have noticed a big difference
already.  I had so many symptoms that matched others on the list that I
felt I'd be doing myself an injustice by letting it go just because one
doctor said so.

Thank you for all of your responses, they were very informative and very
helpful for my peace of mind.