<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi gang,

I have some Q's for you fellow celiac's.......

1.  My daughter and I have terrible leg aches, and mine have now become arm
aches too, intensifying when I have a bout of cramping and diarrhea---celiac

2.  We tend to get tired after eating and can often become very
irritable---celiac related?

3.  The doc always asks about "floating stool", isn't normal stool floating?

4.  Our hair falls out at times really more than normal---celiac related?

5.  Tend to have pretty dry skin--celiac related?

6.  At almost every meal after just a few bites we feel like we have to have
diarrhea, then it subsides until the meal is over---celiac related?

7.  My daughter says she doesn't understand what people mean when they say
they feel full, she says she has never felt that.  She is 17, very thin and
has always eaten more than a truck stop can dish out...  Sound familiar to

8.  Saw something recently about bladder infections and a relationship to
celiac, does anyone know anything about this?

Thanks so much for all your help, you're "sanity" savers!