
Yes, I have.  And I'm going to get back to it.  But it didn't make any
difference really.

Well, let me put it this way.  I weigh 202 today (up 2 pounds for the week,
eating nothing but meat and eggs).  That's 18lbs higher than the upper
limit for my height in the Air Force.  And it's 35lbs higher than what I
weighed the last time I looked decent.  I'd be willing to settle for 30.
 My body might be happy at this weight, but I certainly am not.  I am SO
tired of being fat that I'd pay for 30lbs of liposuction and skin tucks if
I could afford them.

Thanks.  I don't dislike myself; I'm comfortable personally.  I'm just
getting to hate my body.

John Pavao

  Have you tried weight lifting?  More muscles will burn more..
whatever.  If people are complimenting you what more are you looking
for?  Don't get stuck on the pounds (scale).  God, I am so full of
advice.  I have just seen so many people who look fine or even good, but
they got an amount in their head and won't let go.  My sister is a
"stick" and still says "if only I could lose 10 more pounds".  I swear
she would blow away if she got thinner.  Maybe your body is really happy
at the weight it is.  Shake it up with resistance training and please
like yourself.  I do.