Things might look bad for meat on TV, but I was vegetarian for about a year
some years ago, and the energy difference between that and this is like
night and day.  I was always tired.  Also, they do tend to sensationalize
on TV a bit.  Not that I'm saying that none of that stuff is happening (I
actually missed both reports)...  I mean, if things are really that bad,
why aren't all the raw-fooders dropping dead?  I've accidentally eaten
undercooked hamburger recently, I'm still here.  You only see the bad parts
of things on TV, because a story about how well the meat industry is doing
isn't going to get ratings.

Take care,
John Pavao

I'll tell ya one thing:  the article posted by Brandt about cattle
slaughter and the item in the news about germs on chicken makes me glad
I'm still a vegetarian.  Mary Jackson