In a message dated 97-10-01 16:24:16 EDT, you write:

<<  Well I just got in from the doctor for Zacks appt. This man was quite
 wonderful actually (a pleasant surprise). A little out of it perhaps but Ive
 seen worse doctors. He retested Zack for just about everything and it seems
 that my instincts about the dog food are right on the money!  >>
Glad to hear that your son doesn't have any allergies to your pets.  That's
great!!  It's amazing how doctor's are so ignorant on the subject of
allergies.   Also, I have found to that docs don't know the ingrediants to a
lot of food that we as parents of food allergic children know as a rule.

Take care
Jeanine (mom to very allergic boys ages 3 and 1)