In a message dated 97-09-24 12:08:32 EDT, you write:

<< armour/synthroid >>

I just want to say that I am so thankful for Mary's website.  I was able to
copy the open letter to the Dr for Armour after our Endo denied ever having
heard of it.
Today he called and offically stopped the PTU, he had stopped the
on MOnday.  He presecribed Synthroid and Tapazole (I pushed back on not
wanting to have our daughter take PTU) and said he would look into what I
sent him on the Armour. He agreed to look but frankly I am not convinced.

Tonight we visited our HOmeopathic Dr. and received an increased dosage of
the homeopathic remedy.  She expressed her dismay over the Dr. prescribing
Synthroid versus Armour and I agreed to keep talking to the Endo.  She
mentioned that while it is possible to get detoxed after using Synthroid, it
does make her job harder...

We will be doing the Body Logic sessions every 2 weeks.  We will also take
Endo's meds but we will monitor the symthoms and get new bloodtests between
visits if we need to.  Our goal here is to get OFF the artificial meds ASAP
but I am not crazy enough to do this without medical knowledge/monitoring, we
all know that
the  thyroid is nothing to fool with....I will begin my search for an Endo
who believes in homeopathics or is at least more open minded then our current
allopathic Dr.

We are changing meds now with caution and I will begin the battle of pushing
back on the issue.  Hey, he heard me about MMI versus PTU so who knows...

As for the question on Betablockers, Enderol, we took a generic of it and you
really should buy a blood pressure/pulse monitor and take your vitals 2 x a
day.  We found that the pulse dropped to 47 (average should be 60-80 for her
age, 80 being more normal) and we were the ones who had to yell to stop the
Betablockers.  The more I get involved with this the more I feel angry that
so much of this doctoring stuff falls on the patient to monitor, but as long
as you understand that, it makes it easier to watch for sideeffects etc and ?
the levels of meds.  We got permission to have bloodwork done and faxed to
the Endo for evalualtion if we ever felt something was up with our meds..

We now ask for a fax of all our bloodwork so that we have a running record of
what is happening.  It takes the guess work out of things.

Donna Mccormack